Contact us with trust
If you are hardworking, motivated, turned to personal development and you want to earn more than Croatian average. Contact us with trust. Currently we are looking for employes in next areas:
- Welder (REL, TIG, MIG-MAG)
- Pipe fitters
- Locksmith

One step in front of competition
Welding school puts company one step ahead competition because company can immediately respond to specific requests of business partners.
Leassons are taught in agreement with employes and it is maximaly adapted to their needs with a goal of maximaly satisfied employer.
All welders who finish our school are certified in preasence of inspector from TÜV Thüringen which additionaly confirms quality of school.

Offer for our employes:
- Work in internacional environment which provide personal development and complete fulfilment of your own potential
- Possibility to choose country, If you decide to work abroad
- Income in line with your education and previous experience
- Departure and arrival on work site with company car
- Professional development in areas you desire