Male and female names that are used on this web site are used for better readability and used for both genders.
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Rules of privacy
For company Levis Mont protection of personal informations is the greatest importance. Because of that we want to inform you how much we appreciate your privacy when you deliver us your personal informations. Besides compability with GDPR, we are dedicated to responsibly handling your personal data and asuring them to be safe at any time. We want you to feel safe and counfortably while visiting our web site.
Disclaimer of liability
Levis Mont company collects content of this web site with great care and assure they are regulary updated. Provided informations are only general informations and are not replacement for individual advices. All rights reserved.
Levis Mont company does not guarantee for well-timing, accuracy and copleteness of informations or well-timed and unobstructed access.