Levis Mont
Company Levis Mont d.o.o. is founded 07.09.2016 under name Levis j.d.o.o.. In the beggining only 7 workers were employed. Transferring from j.d.o.o. to d.o.o. 1.1.2019 company change its name to Levis Mont.
Our employes work abroad on our construction sites in Slovenia, Germany and Hungary, part of our employes work on projects in Croatia in Lior Montaža, Đuro Đaković Specijalna Vozila.
At the moment we are employing over 40 workers with tendency of growth and employing new people.
Standards and technology
- The company is currently in the process of being introduced certificate ISO 9001
Welding supervision is performed professionally staff made up of a team of engineers and technologists who work closely with certification company TÜV Adria (TÜV Thuringia)
- Welding school (REL, MIG-MAG, TIG)
- All welders are certified in in accordance with applicable regulations and EU standards
- Goffin Gmbh
- Brinox inženiring d.o.o.
- Specijalna Vozila d.d.
- Lior Montaža d.o.o.
- Petroserv Gmbh
- Welding school
Company info
Levis Mont d.o.o.
Zagrebačka 102,
35222 Gundinci
Matije Mesića 36
35000 Slavonski Brod
The company is registrated in the Register of Commercial Courts in Osijek, a permanent service in Slavonski Bron under number:
MBS: 04597460
VAT: HR96492625444
Subject of business: C2511 – manufacute of metal constructions and its parts
Temeljni kapital: 20.000,00 kn (paid in whole)
Bank: Privredna Banka Zagreb
Bank account number: HR1924840081135008453